Jonathan Ward of Hove

A FORMER council social worker caught creating indecent images of children has been jailed.

Social worker Jonathan Ward of Miles Walk, Hove was found to have more than 100 inappropriate images of children on his computers last year.

Ward, 47, was given seven months suspended for 24 months after police had been tipped off about the images on his computers.

During his suspended sentence however he bought a smartphone, which breached the Sexual Harm Prevention Order that was imposed on him to restrict him accessing the internet.

He also failed to notify the court about a weekend trip to Scotland in August this year, which breached a notification order.

Judge Jeremy Gold gave Ward a 12-month prison sentence for failing to follow these restrictions at Hove Crown Court.

The monitoring software installed on his laptop also notified police that he had searched the word “suicide” on the internet.

Charlotte Morrish, prosecuting, said: “He did have a mobile phone with access to the internet, which breached the Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

“He has shown deliberate failure to comply with the orders set upon him.”

Ms Dolan, defending, said: “He has been frank and honest about it and fully admitted to everything to the police.

“He fully accepts that he has committed offences and there was no intention to commit any offences.

“His brother has stopped talking to him and his friends found out about the convictions through the press.

“The only person who has really stuck by him is his partner.

“He bought the phone because he was trying to regain some normality in his life.

“He went to Scotland to visit a friend briefly to also try and get on with his life.

“He has struggled with being held in custody.”

Ward worked for the child protection unit at Brighton and Hove City Council before moving to Surrey County Council when police found the images on his home computer after a tip off.

He was a social worker with Brighton and Hove City Council from 1999-2015.

Then two years ago, police traced an IP address to Ward and his computers and phones were seized and he was arrested in December 2016.

Two laptops found at his home contained more than 100 images of children, many in the most serious category.

A carrier bag was also found at his home containing girls’ knickers and a stash of pornographic DVDs.

After he was caught with the images Ward told police officers that he was addicted to pornography–7nG0e3VzSMHhqI-4

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