Mark Stephenson formerly of Nuneaton now living in Tamworth

Man with fetish for tights took photographs of young girls outside schools

Mark Stephenson admitted making and distributing indecent images

Mark Stephenson, 52, and formerly of Nuneaton, took photographs of young girls outside schools

A former Nuneaton man with a fetish for girls in tights took photographs of children as young as five in short skirts outside schools, on trains and in shops.

As well as amassing more than 11,000 indecent images of girls on seven separate devices at his home, Mark Stephenson was distributing images until the day before his arrest.

And at Warwick Crown Court he pleaded guilty to making indecent images of children, distributing them and outraging public decency.

Stephenson, 52, whose marriage broke down as a result of the offences, and now of Stephenson Close, Glascote, Tamworth, was sentenced to two years in prison suspended for two years.

He was also ordered to do 200 hours of unpaid work, to take part in a rehabilitation activity, to register as a sex offender for ten years, and to pay £425 costs.

Prosecutor Grace Ong said that in April 2018 the police arrested Stephenson at his home at the time in Nuneaton.

A large number of devices were seized, and seven or eight were subsequently examined said Miss Ong, who pointed out he had changed his name to Stephenson between being arrested and charged.

Officers found 113 images in categories A and B, showing girls being subjected to sexual acts, and a total of 11,567 in category C of girls in naked or indecent poses.

Messages he had exchange with other users on a social media site made it clear he had also been distributing category C images right up until the day before his arrest.

He admitted distributing 41 such images and receiving them from other users of the site, on which he ran a number of groups, including private groups which could not be found.

“The main feature of the groups is that pictures of young girls in tights were actively sought,” said Miss Ong.

There were images of children and adults in an office environment, including girls in school uniform, and during one conversation Stephenson, who worked in the insurance industry, sent an image taken in his own office.

And on a hard disk he had images of girls aged five to 14, focussing on their legs and taken by him from behind in public places including outside school gates, on trains and in shops.

Michael Duck QC, defending, said Stephenson had shown a degree of remorse ‘not just generated by self-pity,’ and the delay since his arrest in April 2018 had been ‘a painful experience.’

“From that point onwards his family life was decimated, and in that period he has felt unable to work for a significant part of that period.

“He is a man who was, before the offences, a decent, hard-working family man who had worked in the insurance industry for the better part of three decades.

“He had married his childhood sweetheart, and they had three children, but there is no prospect of that marriage being resurrected,” said Mr Duck, who said Stephenson was now living at his 90-year-old father’s home.

Mr Duck said the majority of the images were of girls’ legs, ‘showing plainly a fetishist interest,’ but there had been no progression to physical touching.

Recorder Balraj Bhatia QC observed that the fetish had been ‘a powerful factor in his life.’

Mr Duck responded: “This is a man who has a complex sexual background. These offences were committed while in his alter-ego. For a number of years he has kept that part of his life from everybody.

“For a significant period of time he was walking the streets and presenting himself in his alter-ego.

“He had long hours when he found himself in hotel rooms, which no doubt gave him the opportunity to carry out some of the activity found on his computers.”

Stephenson was living ‘double life’

Sentencing Stephenson, Recorder Bhatia told him: “You had been living a double life, because it is plain that on one hand you have been a successful, hard-working provider for your family.

“But there is a side to you which has caused considerable concern, and that has been reflected through your criminal conduct over a sustained period of time.

“It has been a sexual interest in young children, although in your own mind perhaps blurred through an obsessive fetish with tights and young girls wearing tights.

“You had in your occupation the opportunity to be away from home for a considerable period, and much of your offending took place in the privacy of hotel rooms.

“It would be easy to say ’24 months, take him down,’ but you would be released after half and have limited supervision.”

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